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Astroworld: Nine Year Old Victim Ezra Blount's Family Rejects Travis Scott's Offer To Pay For Funeral

Astroworld: Nine Year Old Victim Ezra Blount's Family Rejects Travis Scott's Offer To Pay For Funeral
US News

Astroworld: Nine Year Old Victim Ezra Blount's Family Rejects Travis Scott's Offer To Pay For Funeral

Astroworld: Nine Year Old Victim Ezra Blount's Family Rejects Travis Scott's Offer To Pay For Funeral

The family of Ezra Blount, the 9-year-old boy who died after being injured at the Astroworld concert earlier this month, has declined Travis Scott's offer to pay for the child's funeral.

Rapper Travis who is also a key stakeholder at Astroworld extended the offer on Wednesday after the boy died on Nov. 14 of injuries sustained at the event, on Nov. 5.

Ezra was the youngest victim of Astroworld bringing the death toll of the tragedy to 10.

In a letter dated Nov. 24, Travis Scott's attorney, Daniel M. Petrocelli, wrote to Ben Crump and Bob Hilliard, the Blount family representation, to share the rapper's "deepest sympathies and condolences" and express how he "grieves for the families whose loved ones died or were injured."

Petrocelli added that Scott would like to pay for the Blounts' funeral expenses. However, the request was turned down by the boy's family.

"The loss of a child is like a faucet of unimaginable pain that has no off handle," the Blount family lawyer said.

"To lose a child in the manner Treston lost Ezra compounds the pain — as a parent, Treston cannot help but agonize over the terrible idea that Ezra's last minutes were filled with terror, suffering, suffocation and worst of all surrounded by strangers, his dad unconscious underneath the uncontrolled crowd.

Mr. Scott must bear some responsibility - Blount family Lawyer

"I have no doubt Mr. Scott feels remorse," he added. "His journey ahead will be painful. He must face and hopefully see that he bears some of the responsibility for this tragedy."

The lawyer, Mr. Hillard said he hoped for "redemption and growth" for Scott and that after healing and "acceptance of responsibility" maybe Blount and Scott could meet.

"For now, Mr. Scott must respect the fact that his pain and his devastation pale to Treston's, Ezra's mom, and the other victims," he stated.

Ezra attended Astroworld with his father, Treston Blount. He fell from Treston's shoulders during a deadly crowd surge and was trampled by festival-goers.

His injuries landed him in Texas Children's Hospital, where he was put in a medically induced coma after suffering brain swelling and organ damage.

On Nov. 14, Blount's family released a statement confirming the 9-year-old's death.

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