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Influence Renee Breaks Silence On YouTube Over Sexual Allegations Made Against Her And Ex-Boyfriend, Blaxx

Influence Renee Breaks Silence On YouTube Over Sexual Allegations Made Against Her And Ex-Boyfriend, Blaxx
UK News

Influence Renee Breaks Silence On YouTube Over Sexual Allegations Made Against Her And Ex-Boyfriend, Blaxx

Influence Renee Breaks Silence On YouTube Over Sexual Allegations Made Against Her And Ex-Boyfriend, Blaxx

There has been a storm of back and forth via social media between Angel Ibrahim, Miss R Fabulous, and her now ex-boyfriend, Blaxx. Lets's go back to the very start and speak about how this began.

How It Started - Angel's Allegations

Angel called out Renee and her Boyfriend Blaxx for allegedly attempting to sexually abuse her whilst in a hot tub in a hotel room in Dubai. The situation in the pool apparently occurred on the 11th of January in Dubai.

Angel took to Snapchat to release a recording of Miss R Fabulous allegedly speaking on the situation. In the recording, you can hear Renee saying: "I felt so bad that I kissed you. I don't like girls. I have never kissed a girl in my life. I have never made out with a girl."

Angle claimed to say: "You and your boyfriend kept trying to get everyone drunk literally forcing us to drink, there's even a video of him chasing the girls down to drink the alcohol straight from the bottle"

She went on to add "If I didn't run out of there you and your boyfriend would have literally tried to have sex with me & that's just f***** with my head, I feel SICK"

In the snap, Angel alleges that Miss R Fabulous is apologising and saying that she felt bad for what had occurred, in the voice recording.

She went on to speak further on the matter where she claimed that Miss R Fabulous and her ex-boyfriend "Made sure everyone got drunk". She also went on to claim that Renee had a video of everybody in the hot tub at the time.

Angel also claimed that Renee's ex Boyfriend "grabbed and kissed" her. This is the moment that Angel claimed to push back and run.

Another voice recording was released by Angel, which allegedly is the voice of the two other girls who were also on the holiday, explaining what Renee had allegedly told them about the situation.

In this recording, you can hear what Angel claims to be the other two speaking about the situation, and how Renee and Blaxx allegedly planned to approach Angel in a sexual manner.

Angel explained why she had to record this conversation, and urged her followers to listen carefully. She went on to claim "THIS IS ATTEMPTED RAPE!!"

"I can't make this story up, voice recordings DO NOT LIE!!" She added.

Renee's Side Of The Story

Renee strongly denies any of Angel's allegations, and had this to say:

Renee states that Angel's claim of everyone being in the pool is untrue. "No one was in the pool apart from me and my man." She said.

"Out of nowhere where Angel comes into my room I don't know who let her in or how she even got into my room because everyone was gone to sleep before I decided I wanted to go into the hot tub"

Renee then went on to claim that any relations between the two are due to the result of them both being drunk, and not the result of them forcing themselves on one another. "You came into my hot tub drunk you saw I was drunk as well. You started touching my ass. We both started kissing each other"

She claims that Angel ran out of the room when Renee's cousin, Meneh, saw them kissing as she smoked a cigarette. She allegedly approached the two and said: "Is this what you two are doing?"

In the video that Angel shared of Renee allegedly apologising for her actions, Renee claims that this is not the full story. She said "I only apologised to her because the girls came to me and said she was crying. In the recording, Angel is only playing you the part where I said sorry. She not playing you the part from when I said we both made out with eachother."

Fast forward to today, Renee released an hour-long video on her Youtube channel on the 23rd of January to defend the name of her and her ex-boyfriend. Here is a summary of the video:

Blaxx's Response

Renee's ex Boyfriend, Blaxx responded to claims by saying "You lot want me to tell you, but let me tell you something. A wise man doesn't speak"

"For everyone who knows me, they know I'm not inna that b******."

"You lot been wanting me to speak, but I won't speak on it."

Angel's Response To Renee's Latest YouTube Video

Shortly after Renee posted the video on her Youtube channel, she responded to the video via Snapchat, and was not happy with what Renee had to say.

She said "Why would I touch this girl or her bf I swear this is so frustrating because why would I even want to make this s*** up bro."

"If I touched you and your bf why did you apologise for kissing me and get your bf to apologise to me too? I swear at this point Renee you know the truth so keep lying karma is real BMT"

She went on to claim that Renee is acting like the victim, but remains confident that the truth will come out.

Angel posted a recording of Renee speaking in her video, but posed questions for her, and added her own version of events on her Snapchat story.

She still stands by her claim that Renee and Blaxx forced everyone to get into the pool. She also says that one of the girls on the trip, Desire, confirmed this. However, Desire has now said that Angel is lying.

Angel went on to call Renee a "Pathological liar". She claims that Renee had an argument with her boyfriend at the time, Blaxx. She questioned why this argument happened and went on to say:

"Her and her bf had a BIG argument. She broke glass cups and bottles it was so serious that he cut his legs and had bandage on the rest of the holiday. I got snaps you can clearly see it"

"The way I'm going to make sure this girl gets the rightful punishment she deserves in the eye of the law. I will make sure of it"

"Everything is just lies, her story keeps changing over & over again and it makes no sense" She claims.

Angel has now said that she may make a video about the situation on her Youtube.

"I was tryna take this off social media but you're trying to keep it on social media so I think I'm gonna make my video"

"I have until tomorrow morning to decide if I'll make a video. I'll let you know in the morning I really hate this" She added.

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Angel then went to speak in more detail about Renee's version of events and denies all of it.

She pointed out what she believes to be inconsistent with Renee's claims.

"You went from being angry to kissing me? huh" She asked.

She denied the claim that she and Renee were in the hot tub alone. "I did not go to her room by myself, everyone was there, the hot tub was outside and everyone else was inside that's when it happened"

"Also please understand it is "attempted" she planned the threesome without my CONSENT and they put their plans to action & it didn't go as they planned. Renee dosen't understand the difference between attempted & rape itself"

She ended her rebuttal by speaking about why she didn't go straight to the police with her information.

"Also I didn't go straight to the police because I didn't want to get her and her bf arrested. I only go in touch with a lawyer because I wnated to take her to COURT but now I'm doing both!

Keep up to date as this situation develops on

read also

January 24, 2021