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Judge Approves $1Billion Payout To Miami Apartment Collapse Victims

Judge Approves $1Billion Payout To Miami Apartment Collapse Victims
US News

Judge Approves $1Billion Payout To Miami Apartment Collapse Victims

Judge Approves $1Billion Payout To Miami Apartment Collapse Victims

A judge has approved a $1billion settlement for the family members of the victims of the Miami apartment collapse that occurred last year

Miami Apartments

A judge has approved a $1billion payout to the victims of the Miami apartment collapse.In June 2021, 98 people were killed when a 12-storyMiami apartment block collapsed in the middle of the night. According to, a majority of the settlement will go to the family members of those who died, whilst around 100 million dollars will pay legal fees, and 96 million for owners who lost one of the 136 units in the building.

Michael Hanzman, Miami-Dade Circuit Jude said: "It will never be enough to compensate them for the tragic loss they have suffered. This settlement is the best we can do. It's a remarkable result. It is extraordinary."It's been said that Florida's largest non-hurricane related emergency response in history was carried out after theChamplain Towers South building in Surfside collapsed.

Sky News reports that after the incident a lawsuit on behalf of the victims and family members stated that the Champlain Towers building was destabilised due to work that was done on the adjacent Eighty Seven Park tower.Despite this, it is still unknown what caused the collapsed.Speaking about the settlement news, survivor Raysa Rodriguez said: "You have no idea what a relief this is to me personally," she said."I am so exhausted. I just want this to be done. I want these souls to rest."The $1Billion payout will be provided by many sources such as engineering firms, insurance companies and the next door complex, who's construction is believed to have contributed to the collapse.

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June 23, 2022