Max Coopey, the son of two Met police officers, has not received jail time after police found a drug stash in his parents house. This comes after the 20 year old managed to avoid jail time for killing two salesmen whilst drug driving.
Max Coopey claimed that he was using the cannabis found to "self-medicate" the trauma he now experiences after killing two salesmen in 2018. The teen at-the-time was driving his father's Audi sports car whilst under the influence of drugs, resulting in the unfortunate death of two men.In July 2019, police raided the £1m home on a private road in Ascot to find 126g of cannabis and 2g of cannabis resin in Max Coopey's bedroom.
The drugs were confirmed to hold approximately £800 to £1000 in value.Coopey was on court bail and under a youth rehabilitation order when his drug stash was found by the police.Despite the drugs being found in the home of two Met police officers, neither of the boy's parents - Sargant Russel Coopey and PC Catherine Coopey - faced any misconduct investigation over the incident.
Max Coopey has been involved in a number of law-breaking incidents over the years with his own lawyer describing him as a "badly behaved and difficult teenager."Coopey had been arrested shortly before the fatal crash for drug driving his mother's car without a license or insurance. Later that summer, Coopey caused the tragic deaths of two pedestrian colleagues John shackley and Jason Imi aged 61 and 48.Despite his previous arrest, Coopey managed to dodge jail time for the deaths and was issued a youth rehabilitation order and a driving ban instead. The judge for the case ruled that the deaths were not "directly" his fault.However, the family of one victim were able to successfully sue Max Coopey for £800,000 and the family of the other victim are believed to be also suing the 20 year old.