UK Celebs

Mist And Pa Salieu Blocked From Performing At The Commonwealth Games 2022 by Police

Mist And Pa Salieu  Blocked From Performing At The Commonwealth Games 2022 by Police
UK Celebs

Mist And Pa Salieu Blocked From Performing At The Commonwealth Games 2022 by Police

Mist And Pa Salieu  Blocked From Performing At The Commonwealth Games 2022 by Police

Pa Salieu and Mist have been blocked by the police from making a performance at the Commonwealth Games

Two English rappers by the names of Mist and PA Salieu have both been blocked by the police from performing at the Commonwealth games this year in Birmingham. Rapper Mist announced today that the same situation has occurred with his scheduled performance in Birmingham at the commonwealth games closing ceremony

The British rapper Pa Salieu was blocked from performing at the Commonwealth Games closing ceremony because of a "failed background check".

The rapper, 24, hailing from Coventry was previously acquitted of the case 'engaging in violent disorder' during a mass brawl, in which his friend Fidel Glasgow was knifed to death; and this is rumoured to be one of the reasons police blocked his performance whilst the reasons for Mist's performance being blocked are still unknown

However, Pa Salieu situation is a little more difficult as he was convicted of possessing a bottle as an 'offensive weapon' and had previously admitted a second count of violent disorder relating to an attack on a man shortly after the brawl.

The trial concluded in March however his final sentencing date was due to be in May but was further postponed.

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August 9, 2022