US News

R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 years in Jail

R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 years in Jail
US News

R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 years in Jail

R. Kelly Sentenced to 30 years in Jail

R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in jail for using his fame to sexually abuse women and girls.

R. Kelly was found guilty of all nine offences brought against him in September 2021 including racketeering and trafficking. The singer was subject to years of accusations during his career. The 55-year-old has been in custody since 2019 but has now been sentenced to 30 years in jail.The US singer came face-to-face with seven victims on Wednesday who gave impact statements anonymously as "Jane Does". The women spoke about the singer's "God-like complex" and how he used "fame and power" to abuse girls and women

.A woman described him as "the pied piper of R&B, both in music and in technique and in approach"...."Success and love... you presented these glittering gems as if they were gold.""With every addition of a new victim you grew in wickedness, cockiness, diminishing any form of humanity or self-awareness, which soon became the breeding ground for your God-like complex.

"You were doing, saying and encouraging despicable things that no one should be doing. We reclaim our names from beneath the shadows of your afflicted trauma."Another woman told R. Kelly: "You are an abuser, you are shameless, you are disgusting."The trial against Kelly saw several accusers and witnesses who were both women and men testify against the singer about how he subjected his victims to perverse and sadistic abuse when they were underage. The singer denied all the charges and his lawyers called his accusers "disgruntled groupies" and claimed they were lying.

They argued that all the "relationships" described were consensual.Despite this, R. Kelly was found guilty of all the nine charges brought against him which included one charge of racketeering and eight counts of violating a law which prohibits transporting people across state lines for prosecution.Jurors also heard a testimony about a fraudulent marriage between himself and artist Aaliyah in 1994 when he feared he had impregnated her when she was 15-year-old.

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