Serving Metropolitan Police officer charged with rape and suspended from the force
Serving Metropolitan Police officer Ireland Murdock, 25, has been charged with rape and suspended from the force.Murdock was attached to the force's Central North Command Unit in Camden and Islington in North London.The officer, who appeared at Croydon Magistrates' Court today, allegedly carried out his attackin Lambeth, South London on Saturday 25 September 2021. He was off-duty at the time.Murdock was arrested on January 11th of this year. According to Daily Mail, he was wearing a red suit and tie and white shirt, and only spoke to confirm his name, date of birth and address.The 25-year-old was not asked to enter any plea to the alleged offence during the five-minute hearing.As well as being banned from contacting the woman, he was released on bail toappear before Inner London Crown Court next month.
District Judge Polly Gledhill told Murdock: "Your case is one that can only be dealt with by a crown court and I am going to send your case to a crown court today.
"I am going to release you on bail on one condition, that you do not contact your alleged victim directly or indirectly."
The case was put off until May 27th at Inner London Crown Court.Murdock's alleged victim is said to be receiving support from specialist officers.