UK News

Teacher Banned from Profession for Lying about Cancer

Teacher Banned from Profession for Lying about Cancer
UK News

Teacher Banned from Profession for Lying about Cancer

Teacher Banned from Profession for Lying about Cancer

A teacher has now been banned from teaching after it was discovered that she had lied that a loved one had cancer and used the circumstance to take five months leave from work.

Lauren Green organised a charity fun run for her loved one with the supposed illness before eventually telling colleagues in Warrington that the person had died. She took five months leave from her job as a result.The Race for Life fundraiser meant that Lauren accepted gifts and took cash donations that totalled to £300.

The Teaching Regulation Agency panel said that the primary school teacher's behaviour at Barnabas CE Primary School showed "a lack of integrity", "fell significantly short of the standards expected of the profession" and was "dishonest".Their report found that the teacher took 170 days of absence from her role due to "stress and depression" between 2017 and 2020.

This was after telling her colleagues in 2016 that a loved one had been diagnosed with stomach cancer.The 31-year-old admitted to the panel that her conduct had been unacceptable as she would regularly update the school about the fake illness and even falsely claimed that a charity was proving support for her ill loved one.In March 2020, Lauren Green told people that the person in question had died from their illness and described to colleagues shocking details of how she had held the person's hand as they died and even detailed how undertakers had taken the body away.

In January 2021 the Teaching Regulation Agency panel heard that Lauren had admitted to the headteacher that the person in question was in fact alive after "new evidence came to light". Lauren later resigned.The panel ruled that a teaching ban was justified in this case particularly due to the level of deception she had exhibited towards her colleagues some of whom had experienced genuine bereavement.

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May 13, 2022