A tragic incident unfolded in East London resulting in the death of a 42-year-old woman, Lianne Gordon, while a 20-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy sustained injuries in the shooting.
The woman sadly passed away after her injuries at the location, while emergency services rushed the man and the teenager to the hospital for treatment. The distressing event occurred on Vine Road within a small housing development in Lower Clapton, Hackney, around 18:30GMT on Tuesday.
The Metropolitan Police have confirmed that they have in fact initiated a murder investigation, although no arrests have been made at present.
Law enforcement continues to probe into the motive behind the incident, as emphasized by the police force.
Describing the incident as "shocking," Detective Superintendent Vicky Tunstall urged any witnesses to come forward. She assured the community of continued police presence at the scene in the days ahead.
"This evening's events are deeply concerning and will undoubtedly impact the Hackney community. We recognize the community's need for information, and as our investigation progresses, we will provide further updates," she stated.
Emphasizing a zero-tolerance stance on gun violence in London, Tunstall reiterated the commitment of the police to pursue justice for this awful crime.
Authorities are currently in the process of notifying the deceased woman's next of kin.
The conditions of the injured man and boy are currently still being assessed by medical staff in hospital.