US News

Donald Trump Planning Big Social Media Comeback With His Own Platform

Donald Trump Planning Big Social Media Comeback With His Own Platform
US News

Donald Trump Planning Big Social Media Comeback With His Own Platform

Donald Trump Planning Big Social Media Comeback With His Own Platform

According to Donald Trump's advisor, Jason Miller, the former president plans to make a return to Social Media in the coming months - with his own platform Miller told Fox News: "I do think that we're going to see President Trump returning to social media in about two or three months,"He went on to say that Donald will "redefine the game" and "will be the hottest ticket in social media with his return".

Mr Trump was suspended from Twitter after the deadly riots at the US Capitol in Washington DC back in January. The attack conducted by Trump supporters saw five people killed, including a police officer and caused worldwide outrage.When it came to the specifics of the return of Donald Trump's social media, Jason said "I can't go much further than what I was able to just share, but I can say that it will be big once he starts.

"There have been a lot of high-power meetings he's been having at Mar-a-Lago with some teams of folks who have been coming in, and it's not just one company that's approached the president, there have been numerous companies.

"But I think the president does know what direction he wants to head here and this new platform is going to be big and everyone wants him, he's gonna bring millions and millions, tens of millions of people to this new platform."

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March 22, 2021