UK News

Home Office Refuse baby's entry after being born in Jamaica

Home Office Refuse baby's entry after being born in Jamaica
UK News

Home Office Refuse baby's entry after being born in Jamaica

Home Office Refuse baby's entry after being born in Jamaica

A British resident became stranded in the UK after the Home Office denied her baby's visa application because the baby already has an "established life" on the island.

The Home Office said that the decision to refuse the visa was "justified by the need to maintain an effective immigration and border control" and would not have "unjustifiably harsh consequences".

Tiffany Ellis has lived in the UK since she was eight and travelled to Jamaica in 2020 to get married to her husband, Zarren Ellis who also lives in London.The pair were unable to return home on their planned date due to Covid lockdowns and fell pregnant whilst still in Jamaica. Tiffany suffered with constant vomiting during her pregnancy, a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. Her health was so poor that she had toremain in Jamaica until after she gave birth.Despite these circumstances, the Home Office denied the baby entry into the country and advised that Tiffany support her baby from the UK.

Because of this decision, Tiffany has remained with her baby in Jamaica whist her husband Zarren and daughter Xianna, 5, returned to London so that Xianna could start at school. "There's not a day goes by that I don't cry about this," said Tiffany. "My husband is my rock and he's holding everything together. The whole situation is so heartbreaking. How can I explain this to my daughter? She thinks I've abandoned her. I've never been apart from her before. Xien tries to hug his dad on the screen when we do video calls. I just want to get Xien home before his health worsens."Sarah Jones, the MP for Croydon Central and the family's MP said: "My constituent and her sick child's treatment by the Home Office has been utterly unacceptable. After I raised their case, it took the Home Office nearly four months to even reply, after I chased them multiple times."

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July 13, 2022