UK News

Fines For Fare Dodging On Trains To Increase From £20 to £100

Fines For Fare Dodging On Trains To Increase From £20 to £100
UK News

Fines For Fare Dodging On Trains To Increase From £20 to £100

Fines For Fare Dodging On Trains To Increase From £20 to £100

Fare dodging offenders will have to pay £00 instead of £20 when caught without a ticket on a train from next year 

Train ticket

Fines for going on a train without a ticket are set to increase from £20 to £100 next year for rail passengers.The Department for Transport are introducing the increase to deter more people from dodging fares.Offenders will have to pay the fine, as well as their journey's ticket price. However, theircharges will be reduced to £50 if they pay within 21 days

.According to the Department of Transport, taxpayers are"currently footing the bill for those passengers travelling without a ticket".Therefore, deterring more people from committing the crime, will decrease the taxpayers' cost.It's been said that the fine change marks fare dodging's first penalty increase in 17 years.A spokesman for the Department for Transport said in a statement:

"We need penalty fares to act as a proper deterrent, and we are putting in place a modern system that will help create a more sustainable railway."According to the Rail Delivery Group, people going on trains without a ticket costs rail industry around£240 million each year.Strikes and people working from home have also led to bosses trying to find new ways to increase income.Commuters are currently being enticed with new flexible season tickets and a rewards programme.

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October 27, 2022