The 19-year-old teenage mother admitted causing the death of her 20-month-old daughter in Brighton.
Verphy Kudi[/caption]Verphy Kudi who is 19 years old pleaded guilty at Lewes Crown Court to manslaughter on Friday.Her daughter, Asiah Kudi, died at an address in the city in December 2019. She was taken to the hospital but confirmed dead on arrival.A post-mortem examination and forensic tests found Asiah�s death was the result of neglect.
The court heard that Ms Kudi partied while her baby, young Asiah, was left alone in her flat in Brighton, Sussex.
Judge Christine Laing ordered that all social services records relating to the case be disclosed to the defence ahead of sentencing."You have heard that before I get to sentence you the defence wants to get a report on your behalf, and a doctor will no doubt make arrangements to see you and interview you over the next few weeks," she said.
Det Ch Insp Andy Wolstenholme said; "This was a particularly distressing case for my team and me to investigate, and has caused great sorrow amongst Verphy's family and the many agencies that have supported Verphy and Asiah".
"We note the guilty plea entered in this case, and continue to prepare for Verphy's sentencing in May."
Asiah's death at a property in Islingword Road on 11 December 2019 was investigated by the major crime team, Sussex Police said after the hearing.
Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership said it was working with partners to look into what happened and is conducting a Child Safeguarding Practice Review.
A Brighton and Hove City Council spokesman said; "The case is currently the subject of criminal proceedings, and the city's Safeguarding Children Partnership is also conducting a review of the circumstances into the tragic death of this young child.
"We have fully supported the police investigation, and are committed to working with the partnership in its review and taking learning from this."Asiah was not on a child protection plan and was not involved with social work services when she died."