Glastonbury Festival Radio station, Worth FM, breached broadcasting rules after it played Little Simz's song Miss Understood, says Ofcom.
Ofcom has concluded that Glastonbury's on-site radio station breached broadcasting rules by playing an unedited version of Little Simz's song, Miss Understood.The song was played on Worthy FM on Thursday June 23rd and due to presenters missing the words "f*****" and "n*****", an apology was not given immediately to listeners.Ofcom said that the song was "broadcast at a time when children were particularly likely to be listening and when listeners of all ages would not expect to hear it".It was reported that the presenters wanted to promote Little Simz's headline slot and therefore play her song. However, they didn't realise they had searched through all tracks, instead of ones that were safe for radio.The song was in a "non-compliant electronic folder of tracks containing bad language" and not the playout library.
Furthermore, the presenters thought they were searching through the radio station's music folder.Ofcom said that the radio team then started greeting guests and therefore didn't hear the bad language. If the presenters had heard, they would have been able to "fade it down immediately and apologise on air".
The radio station has since apologised and have made changes to ensure the mistake doesn't happen again.