Mizzy, also known as Bakari, is a controversial social media prankster who has garnered attention for his bold pranks, destructive behaviour and unapologetic attitude. With a growing following, he has attracted divided opinions with some questioning his lack of boundaries and others applauding him for his entertaining ploys.
Appearing on The Shade Borough's Keyboard Warriors, the young social media prankster responds to the media reports on his latest social media antics and legal battles, while talking through the intricacies of his life and enigmatic persona.
In true Mizzy fashion, he starts off by diving into the concept of the Matrix, claiming that societal norms and constructs are the true Matrix. He introduces the audience to his ongoing "Mizzy Experiment," asserting that every person engaging with him, whether a fan or a critic, is an unwitting participant in his grand design to alter perceptions and realities.
He goes on to address his recent legal battles after he was fined for trespassing into a hone for his content and responds to various comments from online critics including media personality Zeze Millz - who he says is caught up in the "Matrix".
The episode concludes with Mizzy calling for more kindness and positivity, asserting that he has learned from his mistakes. He urges listeners to consider the impact of their words and highlights the role of the younger generation, whom he aims to inspire and guide.
You can catch more episode of Keyboard Warriors on The Shade Borough's YouTube channel