World News

Supporters of Hamas could face up to 14 years in jail says Priti Patel

Supporters of Hamas could face up to 14 years in jail says Priti Patel
World News

Supporters of Hamas could face up to 14 years in jail says Priti Patel

Supporters of Hamas could face up to 14 years in jail says Priti Patel

Hamas is described as a Palestinian Sunni-islamic fundamentalist militant and nationalist organisation. It was founded in 1988 after the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Led by a military wing, Hamas originally had a dual purpose of maintaining an armed struggle against Israel. Since their establishment, Hamas has carried out multiple bus bombings, which have been heavily blamed for turning Israelis away from the peace process.


After the year 2000, Hamas gained governmental power and influence as Israel clamped down on Palestinian authority. To this day, Hamas holds the majority in the parliament of the Palestinian Authority and is the largest of several Palestinian militant Islamic groups.

As part of plans expected to be announced on Friday by Priti Patel, anyone who expresses support for Hamas, be that through displaying their flag or organising meetings for the support of the group will be in breach of the law and could face up to 14 years in jail.

Patel believes that officially declaring the group as a terrorist organisation is a vital step towards protecting the Jewish community.

"This step will strengthen the case against anyone who waves a Hamas flag in the United Kingdom, an act that is bound to make Jewish people feel unsafe".

Schoolgirls walking through Hamas territory

Hamas has already been declared as a terrorist organisation by the US, Canada and the EU.

Patel has told reporters that proscribing Hamas would send a "very very strong message to any individual that thinks that it's OK to be a supporter of an organisation such as that."

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November 19, 2021