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Young Mother Walks In Front Of Train With Daughter After Falling Behind On Bills

Young Mother Walks In Front Of Train With Daughter After Falling Behind On Bills
UK News

Young Mother Walks In Front Of Train With Daughter After Falling Behind On Bills

Young Mother Walks In Front Of Train With Daughter After Falling Behind On Bills

Young mother Leighane Melsadie Redmond, 27, died after walking in front of a train with her daughter

A young mother tragically died after walking in front of a train with her three year old daughter, an inquest has heard.Leighane Melsadie Redmond, 27, owed £1,499.37 in rent,£334 to her electricity supplier and £638 to the gas company. She'd also been taken to court.On February 18 2019,

Leighane was captured walking up and down for over an hour with her daughter Melsadie Adella-Rae Parris atTaplow station in Buckinghamshire. She then picked Melsadie up and fell off the platform. In a statement to the inquest, Detective Sergeant Simon Rees, from British Transport Police said: "Leighane Redmond had several debts in several forms. She was behind on her rent, etcetera.

On the day she had received news that some of her debt burdens had been relieved, if she had entered into a payment agreement which she did, and she was supposed to have started a new employment so her financial situation was potentially going to change. On the morning of her death, Leighane is said to have checked her bank account while her daughter was at her father's house. She then reportedly called her prospective employer, as well as her landlord. Speaking about her behaviour at the station, Detective Sergeant Simon Rees said: "Her movements around the station, going from one side of the station to the other, going down to the station and back up, was an unusual pattern of behaviour." The inquest is ongoing.

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November 17, 2022