Drama unfolded at the Love Island reunion party as Casa Amor contestants Diamante and Ruby found themselves in a heated argument, sparking widespread chatter among fans. The tension between the two girls reportedly stemmed from a night out, where Diamante was allegedly left out of plans to go to a club after organising the trip herself.
The situation came to light during a livestream hosted by fellow Islander Lionel, where viewers witnessed the verbal exchange between Diamante and Ruby. The two were seen exchanging sharp words, with Ruby apparently upset after being blocked by Diamante on social media following their night out together.
Diamante, who had organised the club outing to Cirque De Soleil, was visibly frustrated, claiming she was excluded from the post-party plans due to a misunderstanding. The argument escalated, leading to Diamante venting on Lionel’s livestream about always having to defend herself. “I’m always the one defending myself, I’ve literally come over here and had a chilled night, and this is why people say I’m problematic, I’m always in problems!” she expressed, clearly upset by the ongoing tensions.
Later that evening, Diamante took to her own livestream to further address the situation. In a more reflective tone, she discussed the argument and her feelings of being misunderstood. “It’s giving the R word, I’m not allowed to defend myself,” she said, implying a sense of frustration with how she is perceived by others, suggesting undertones of racism.